Newsletter for October 2020

October 13, 2020

Announcement: Sar-El Board Appoints New Executive Director

Dear Friends and Volunteers of Sar-El,

I hope that you are well and keeping safe during this difficult period of the corona virus that we are all facing.

Unfortunately, it looks like we will not be able to re-open our programs this year. However, we are constantly in touch with the IDF to determine when this will change.

In the meantime, we are committed to remaining in touch with our volunteers and our representatives from around the world as we dialogue with the IDF in order to be prepared for the day when we can resume normal operations.

I am pleased to let you know that the Sar-El Board of Directors has appointed Keren Dahan as the new Executive General Director. Keren, who was born in Paris and grew up in Jerusalem, is a graduate of the David Yellin College of Education, where she earned a B.A. in Educational Leadership and Administration. As a student, Keren spent her summers in Israel guiding groups from abroad for the Jewish National Fund.

In 2005, Keren began to work at Yad Vashem as a guide, and two years later became the International Department’s coordinator for all educational activities for overseas students at their International School for Holocaust Studies. At the same time, she began working with March of the Living, guiding groups in Poland, which she still does to this day.

From 2011-2015, Keren worked at Taglit Birthright Israel as the Program Evaluation Director, and from 2015-2018 she was the Educational Director at the World Betar Movement, working with their emissaries and program participants from around the world. For the last three years, Keren has been working at Onward Israel, an umbrella organization that brings up to 3000 international students to Israel annually for professional internships and educational programming, as the Director of Operations and Quality Control.

I have confidence that Keren is the right person for Sar-El and we all wish her great success in the mission that we face.

I miss you all!

Yours truly,

Israel Geva, Chairman

* Please forward this message to all our volunteers

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