What To Expect

Sar-El volunteering takes place on IDF bases throughout the whole of Israel. The bases can be very hot in the summer and very cool on winter nights depending on location. The work of Sar-El is to assist Israel with the incredible burden placed on active and reserve citizen soldiers, therefore volunteer work will focus on logistical support.

All volunteer groups are assigned an IDF team leader Madrich/a who will be present to assist volunteers with any issues. 

Arrival Day:

We encourage volunteers to arrive to Israel 1-2 days prior to their volunteer period. Please keep in mind that all volunteers need to meet at the Terminal 3 Arrivals Hall of Ben Gurion airport on Sundays around 8:30am. Volunteers will need to check-in with their passports in hand. Volunteers will meet their Madrich/a (soldier instructor) and be assigned to their military base and have time to meet the rest of the volunteers in their unit. Please note, late arrivals will be required to arrange their own private transportation at their own expense if they miss their arrival time. 

Please remember the following:

You will be given a uniform at the base. You will need to provide your own comfortable work shoes or sneakers. Your uniform must be worn while on base and while on duty.

Please bring a great attitude and willingness to work for Israel with your fellow volunteers. 

Volunteer Week: 

All volunteers are expected to follow the IDF schedule and be present for morning reveille as well as partake in morning and afternoon work sessions.

Please note that this is a sample itinerary and will vary according to the military base, the work demands and the season:

  • 8:15 Breakfast
  • 9:00 Flag Raising, Hatikvah and news/directives of the day
  • 9:30 Morning work session
  • 12:30 Lunch
  • 13:30 Afternoon work session
  • 18:00 Dinner
  • 19:00 Evening Programming


All bases close for the weekends so you volunteers will be released on Thursday afternoon (drop-off is at a major transportation hub in Tel Aviv) and will need to meet back at the airport on Sunday for the return to the base. Many volunteers take this time to tour the country or see friends. Accommodations, meals and transportation during this time are the responsibility of the volunteer.

Departure Day:

Please check with your Madrich/a on exact details of your departure time and drop-off location as this may vary from base to base.

Remember that your volunteer service contributes to the security of Israel and we hope you have a meaningful experience. If any issue arises, please check-in with your Madrich/a for assistance.

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