Our Memorial Day

13 April 2021

Dear Friends, 

On the eve of Yom Hazikaron (יוֹם הַזִכָּרוֹן), our Memorial Day for the fallen of the Israel Defense Forces, we commemorate all those we lost in the struggle to establish the State of Israel and to assure its continuity and strength in the years that followed.

After centuries of exile, without political sovereignty or protective power, the people themselves have shown tremendous strength, courage and sacrifice in the effort to develop and preserve life in our homeland.

It is these forces that stood up to establish the State of Israel and that guard it in the face of continuous violent resistance from our neighbors.

To this day, the IDF and all the other forces on active duty and on reserve, are on guard while ever mindful of the winds that blow between the chapters of the past.

As we have done for the past 73 years, in the years to come we will all unite in prayer:

“He who makes peace in His heights, may He make peace for us and for all Israel, Amen.”

Blessed be the memory of the fallen. 

Israel Geva

Col. (Ret) Chairman

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